Saturday, December 18, 2010

Discover Yourself

Right from the cradle to the grave , all of us , typical Homo sapiens , fail to discover the purpose of our birth. This post , I hope , may ignite your minds to discover a new "you".

The life of a typical human starts in his infancy where we follow a Jocose-bellicose-lachrymose cycle and reach adulthood. In the frenetic search for something, we lose sight of ourselves. Life, per se ,is expressed linearly as Education which leads to Employment and Entertainment. Have we ever paused for a moment and introspected the raison d'etre for our actions ? Certainly ,not ! Great legends like Teresa , Tagore , Gandhi , M.L.King et al have made an indelible imprint on history. We merely skim through the pages of history as though they are antiquated. We fail to understand the fact that these divine souls discovered themselves.

It doesn't need an Einstein's grey matter to ignite the spirit in you. We're more adept at doing this.Put these Qs to urself :
1) Why am i here on this planet ? Introspect deeply and u may find that purpose.
2) What am i equipped with to achieve it ? Explore ur latent talent and potential.
3) Am i moving towards this purpose ? Course-correction , analysis and rectification.
(It is ineffable to be put in words. Pls note that this is not a one-time event but a continuum.)
You need not be a Ramana maharishi or a Ramalinga adigal to execute this. Leaving this thought at hind-sight and carrying out your routine chores doesn't cost u a lot.
Implementing and improvising it will pay u rich dividends(in terms of moral and psychological growth and stability )

The evolution taking place in the occidental world is a vindication of my contention. The hedonistic approach of life is gradually opening up to oriental thoughts.The relentless pursuit for wealth and power has caused a moral bankruptcy in the west. " Giving Pledge" campaign promoted by Buffett and Gates , proliferation of Yoga and Meditation are the offshoot of this "inner" discovery.

It goes without saying , that the Orientals will stand to light up the World in the future. Yet , the foundation for it remains an Achille's heel. This "inner" discovery will aid in bringing this metamorphosis. The challenge of conquering the flagrant Maya around us , shapes our destiny .

Wake up to this delusion and I promise , You'll rediscover a new soul with an enlightened spirit.