Monday, December 27, 2010

Actions Speak more than Words

Hope u get the crux of this post from d title..Yes , my dear friends, i have did ample talking through my posts.. Let me stop here . One of the readers gave me a good feedback which prompted me to take this action. I personally feel that i can pull more people on my side when i transcend and transform my Visions to Missions. Yeah.. this Blog will remain idle till the time i make a mark in the society. It might take months or even years.. but i'll try my level best to keep it as short as possible. Yeah.. this is d curtain call for my journey.. As of now , i ve decided to bequeath one poor family, a month and help them by all means.. in terms of a permanent income from a structured employment sector besides other basic needs..
Inter alia , I have also planned to extend my services in Education (by providing free text and NBs , uniforms and shoes , etc ), Health ( aiding in improving the medical facilities at local PHCs and rural hospitals ),etc... This is my short term plan. Many more such plans are on the anvil ( say, farmers - market logistics chain , Generating local level incubators for rural entrepreneurs , utilizing IT, R & D of Technical institutions in almost all sectors) . I would welcome u all , my friends to join me in this endeavour.. Ur feedback and suggestions are most welcome.
As u all know .. the sole factor for all this is MONEY !
I would just like to quote Mother Theresa's words here " If the work is intended , Money will flow "
I'm starting this on an optimistic note.. let us join hands and work towards the change ..
I ve taken a pledge to make a significant impact on the life of someone (preferably, the weak/downtrodden/disadvantaged/poor ) before floating the next article on this blog...would also like to covey that my future blogs will also carry some news on the humanitarian / developmental activities that i would be working on.. I need all ur sincere blessings , in this endeavour of mine..
I'M TAKING A BREAK HERE ............ BYE.. MY DEAR FRIENDS.............................................