Monday, December 27, 2010

Actions Speak more than Words

Hope u get the crux of this post from d title..Yes , my dear friends, i have did ample talking through my posts.. Let me stop here . One of the readers gave me a good feedback which prompted me to take this action. I personally feel that i can pull more people on my side when i transcend and transform my Visions to Missions. Yeah.. this Blog will remain idle till the time i make a mark in the society. It might take months or even years.. but i'll try my level best to keep it as short as possible. Yeah.. this is d curtain call for my journey.. As of now , i ve decided to bequeath one poor family, a month and help them by all means.. in terms of a permanent income from a structured employment sector besides other basic needs..
Inter alia , I have also planned to extend my services in Education (by providing free text and NBs , uniforms and shoes , etc ), Health ( aiding in improving the medical facilities at local PHCs and rural hospitals ),etc... This is my short term plan. Many more such plans are on the anvil ( say, farmers - market logistics chain , Generating local level incubators for rural entrepreneurs , utilizing IT, R & D of Technical institutions in almost all sectors) . I would welcome u all , my friends to join me in this endeavour.. Ur feedback and suggestions are most welcome.
As u all know .. the sole factor for all this is MONEY !
I would just like to quote Mother Theresa's words here " If the work is intended , Money will flow "
I'm starting this on an optimistic note.. let us join hands and work towards the change ..
I ve taken a pledge to make a significant impact on the life of someone (preferably, the weak/downtrodden/disadvantaged/poor ) before floating the next article on this blog...would also like to covey that my future blogs will also carry some news on the humanitarian / developmental activities that i would be working on.. I need all ur sincere blessings , in this endeavour of mine..
I'M TAKING A BREAK HERE ............ BYE.. MY DEAR FRIENDS.............................................

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Discover Yourself

Right from the cradle to the grave , all of us , typical Homo sapiens , fail to discover the purpose of our birth. This post , I hope , may ignite your minds to discover a new "you".

The life of a typical human starts in his infancy where we follow a Jocose-bellicose-lachrymose cycle and reach adulthood. In the frenetic search for something, we lose sight of ourselves. Life, per se ,is expressed linearly as Education which leads to Employment and Entertainment. Have we ever paused for a moment and introspected the raison d'etre for our actions ? Certainly ,not ! Great legends like Teresa , Tagore , Gandhi , M.L.King et al have made an indelible imprint on history. We merely skim through the pages of history as though they are antiquated. We fail to understand the fact that these divine souls discovered themselves.

It doesn't need an Einstein's grey matter to ignite the spirit in you. We're more adept at doing this.Put these Qs to urself :
1) Why am i here on this planet ? Introspect deeply and u may find that purpose.
2) What am i equipped with to achieve it ? Explore ur latent talent and potential.
3) Am i moving towards this purpose ? Course-correction , analysis and rectification.
(It is ineffable to be put in words. Pls note that this is not a one-time event but a continuum.)
You need not be a Ramana maharishi or a Ramalinga adigal to execute this. Leaving this thought at hind-sight and carrying out your routine chores doesn't cost u a lot.
Implementing and improvising it will pay u rich dividends(in terms of moral and psychological growth and stability )

The evolution taking place in the occidental world is a vindication of my contention. The hedonistic approach of life is gradually opening up to oriental thoughts.The relentless pursuit for wealth and power has caused a moral bankruptcy in the west. " Giving Pledge" campaign promoted by Buffett and Gates , proliferation of Yoga and Meditation are the offshoot of this "inner" discovery.

It goes without saying , that the Orientals will stand to light up the World in the future. Yet , the foundation for it remains an Achille's heel. This "inner" discovery will aid in bringing this metamorphosis. The challenge of conquering the flagrant Maya around us , shapes our destiny .

Wake up to this delusion and I promise , You'll rediscover a new soul with an enlightened spirit.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Typical Desi

This post is intended to flush up the minds of typical desis . Though it was on the backburner for a long time,better late than never.

The rat race for d desi begins with schooling. Every bright mind here is put to test ,ofcourse through the hackneyed model of Academic bulimia(Fast in Fast Out).The rapacious rankling for marks and grades transcends from schools to colleges and further to Job training. Our strong obsession with the Exotic augurs well with studies and jobs too. The desi builds his foundation here in his motherland , gears up to a foreign land for higher studies and gets fetishly attracted to the foreign soil.We, euphemistically, called it Brain-Drain.

There is a volte-face to every action. It expressed itself as Brain-Gain . I call it sheer Opportunism. A son who deserts his loving mother when she is ill , returning back when she is well-off, is sure to be lambasted. But Mother India politely recieves her sons with a leviathan heart. It is a matter of ignominy. Still further , the yester-year sons of India , after finding a new home abroad, denigrate their motherland.

It is to be remembered that it is this India, despite its linguistic-regional-casteist-ethnic divides , which is poised to be the future global power. Tables have turned over time and India is at the centrestage now ,though we're still developing. Global leaders on the lines of Obama, Sarkozy,Medyedev are queuing up to clinch deals with us. Global governance foras are opening up to pave way for us. It is the same land , which our young desis are deserting till date.
A few of us can argue that millions of dollars are pouring in as remittances but i would like to stress.. Not even an inkling of a penny can equal the love u show to her by being with her through all the odds.

The narcissistic desi , who is sheerly moved by self interest hardly stands by his motherland. The cliched reasons offered by these skepticals are corruption , sub-standard goods and services and so on. It is worth noting here that for every Radia gate and Bofors, there is a Watergate.

What have we gained by aping the West ? The disintegration of Joint families and growth of extended families... I sincerely agree to the view that customs, traditions and mores should evolve with time. But should it be at the cost of losing our roots ? There is a popular adage : BE A ROMAN WHEN U RE IN ROME. On a lighter vein , i would like to shoot this : ARE WE INDIANS IN INDIA ? Right from dressing up in sleazy outfits to uttering broken foreign accent, we yearn to be westerners in India.

Transplantation of best practices , cultures and traditions ought to be given a thumbs-up , no doubt but the process involved , is a cause for worry. While the West adopts and adapts the rich practices of the East, the latter blindly adopts the Western culture and practices ... sans any threadbare analysis of its suitability to the rich civilizations of the East , developed through centuries.

Women were equated to Gods during the Sangam ages , though they were dependent on men. Do we find the same parallel now ? yes of course.. but disparagingly.. in a paternalistic society. It is more painful to watch women self-commodifying themselves . To me,it is a sacrilege to portray women in bad taste in both the print and e-media.In what way a skimpy-clad actress/ model will add up to d brand value of a Bentley or a Rolls Royce ? The tags " Hot/sexy/gorgeous/etc" are indiscriminately used by both genders in reference to both. Fairness , oflate , is touted as a springboard for success in life. From fairness creams to cosmetic surgeries , ludicrously, Men are on par with women! The salacious reference to divine beauty is a pernicious way of self-humiliation which we inflict upon ourselves. But we , desis find great pleasure in endorsing it.. courtesy: the western model.

The gloomy part is : How many of our children (in the age gp. of 5-16) know to speak and write in our mother-tongue ? We 're portraying the most practical way of showing disrespect to our Mother . How do u expect such a generation to grow -up ?
On a parallel , In Japan , young school students are taken on a mandatory visit to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and are asked to sketch/pen a few lines on it. .. A perfect epitome to groom up a sensitive young Gen.

Time and again , we indemnify ourselves and fix the fault on the system. But how many of us accept the fact that we're part of it and in a way , eroding and corrupting the very system. I m sure to be isolated in this argument if i stand , an amicus curae , for Mother India.

My urge is : today's young generation can bring about change. Bygone is bygone. Let us be d change and support Mother india in its rise and its endeavour to wipe the tear out of every poor child of her. I don't mind being tagged corny if i sound to be a bit patriotic.Hope my words will stir up the thinking souls !