Sunday, February 14, 2010

Patience & Tolerance - The quintessentials in Today's World

In this mileu of frenetic lifestyle , these two virtues are derisive and bound to be despicable. Sounds pessimistic ? That's reality !

Few crass law-abiders like me get miffed at traffic signals when we patiently wait for the Green , amidst megalomaniacs who honk jarring sounds right into our ears to make us move on. Rapid urbanization has sapped out these values from the urban denizens.Constant rankling and skirmishes over trifling issues are the order of the day. 'Gandhigiri' ostensibly captures the euphoria only on the silverscreen.

We should bow down our heads in ignominy as the State is pushed towards a cul de sac but for bringing out a legislation, directing the welfare and maintenance of senior citizens by their children. Joint families are a passe'. Nuclear families are in vogue.Co-operation and harmony is bygone while parochialism and conservatism has spread its tentacles within the family fabric. Lack of effective parental care is conspicuously showing in bringing up a child. Gone are the days when children sought solace in the warmth of their near and dear at home.They're turning palpably despondent nowadays.

Even True love is hardly spared for and its becoming evanescent unable to catch up with the times.Unilateral concessions and sacrifices are antiquated and relationships now function on a quid-pro-quo basis !