Saturday, February 27, 2010

Jingoistic Passions : Are we True Indians ?

When Sachin scalps his landmark 200 , we turn heads over heels in a burst of euphoria. The same thing happens when Rahman bags a Grammy and an Oscar. We feel elated and see ourselves in their position. but how many of us accept the fact that there are many more such Sachins and Rahmans in remote pockets of India , who yearn for someone to lend them an helping hand ?

Ofcourse , I do agree that these Great people are legends and have inspired a whole new generation. There is bountiful media hype and hoopla peeking their celebrity status. What is worthy ? crowning an already Bejeweled monarch or nurturing and grooming up "Potentials" who'll lead India to a glorious future.

I apologize for using this word but i can't get an alternative. I call ourselves as ' Inglorious Indians '. Most of us don't agree to the bitter truth that we're turning more opportunists and introverts. The hot celebrities of the corporate world, be it the M.Ambani who's building himself a bungalow running into crores of rupees , the Bollywood Khans and sizzling sirens who rake in hefty packages for films and endorsements (The only inspiration they leave for the young is their 6/8 pack abs , washboard abs , size zeros' and hourglass figures ..The lust for beauty eclipses the concern for the outside world ) remain in a paradise land of their own..

Social responsibility under the garb of CSR bloomed up lately as an effect of the work done by a few Good samaritans ( who , i consider to be True Heroes of India ). My earnest urge is : We spend a lot on hi-tech gadgets , garments , et al inspired by the ostentatious lifestyles of our great celebrities who hardly spend few dollars out of their wallets for a social cause. Are we not opportunists if we rapaciously hunt to make most out of the Land (our motherland ) , doing a penny worth for Her in return.If we reason out , we blatantly blame it on the system as if we've no stakes in it. But there'll be a time when India will make us feel proud. It is then we bluster ourselves as proud Indians.

We contemplate that we are being taxed to benefit the downtrodden. if so, why is it that nearly 30 % of India is BPL , even 6 decades after we were set free ? Let us stop playing blame-game and look forward to the future by supporting our fellow folks.It is high time we heed to the frail voices of the poor in our neighbourhoods.

Small steps taken now will surmount towering challenges in the future. My fellow Indians , come out of your cloistered shells and treat your poor counterparts as your kith and kin. If the energy latent in the Deprived India is awakened and tapped , our Demographic capital can't find a parallel for itself in this world.
Let us UNITE and endeavour for the synergic prosperity of our Nation. Jai Hind !