Friday, December 18, 2009

Climate Parleys - are we doomed for an apocalypse ?

The buzzword now, next to recession is Climate change. Copenhagen is driving the heat now around the globe to shield the world from a possible 2012-style apocalypso . If i quote the hackneyed phrases of IPCC and such other climate / Environ. activists ...of the impact of Global'll be seen with gloom for the folks from Maldives , Tuvalu , kiribati and such other island states. But if the same story is telecasted to the American folks.. hardly 40 % believes it.. the rest pooh-poohs it away as a mere dumb prophecy.

People, This is the reason the Copenhagen deal or for that matter any such Climate deal based on consensus remains a pipe-dream. Its the collective conscience of the entire humanity which can save this planet. Blame-game politics and geo-political cold wars will spell doom for the mankind... There's no use playing the past records which overtly shifts the responsibility on the Developed nations to curb the emissions.. Its time , India and every other developing and LDC take the pledge in uncovering a Green path for their future development.

Let's hope , a more Green Earth is gifted for the NXG.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Continental Frisking kalam

We , Indians feel annoyed by the treatment meted out to the former Prez , 2 months ago. But , do we pause atleast for a while to think of the dutifulness of the Flight sec. staff ? Rather we feel pride in claiming that many of our own VIP/VVIPs have the right to bypass the routine sec. check at airports.. Be it India or any alien land... Security is supreme and none of us including the Presidents of powerful nations should be exempted from this.. if the law is equal to one and all.. there ought to be no feeling of insecurity.. Lets come out of this cloistered parochial views and place Nation's security and integrity as supreme..